Pelgrims Place has implemented strict protocols for admissions and staff in order to remain virus free. These include quarantine, isolation, frequent testing and stringent preventative measures.
Policy brief & purpose
- This service user policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.
- This coronavirus (COVID-19) service user policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines. If so, we will update you as soon as possible by email.
- This coronavirus policy applies to the service users of Pelgrims Place.
- In person visitation should be kept to a minimum, once per 6-month period at most.
- Visitation will only be permitted on Pelgrims’ Place premises, under supervision of a staff member.
- There will be no physical contact between service users and their families/visitors.
- All parties present will wear masks throughout and uphold sanitizing and social distancing protocols.
- There will be no holidays permitted for service users until further notice.
Video Family Sessions
- To allow families to engage with service users, there will be video family sessions over Zoom or Google Meeting. Times and schedule to be advised.
- The session is to be facilitated by the service users case manager, with other staff encouraged to join where possible.
- Each session is intended to be between 20 and 45 minutes.
For more details of our COVID-19 policies please contact us.