After a period of active addiction, the principles Recovery invites you to embrace will appear foreign at first; seem as if you are locking into a lifestyle of endless limitations.
This is not true.
At Pelgrim Place, we find it is as our residents face the realities of their lives that they begin to access the freedom they always longed for.
It is as they break through barriers of warped perception that they recognize how their futile acts of numbing-out and dumbing-down actually enslaved them.
During their program, we work with each resident to cultivate the emotional maturity and personal responsibility that is required to maintain and sustain a meaningful adult life.
In this, they learn that structure holds great significance. Within a safe and healthy framework, the good life remains theirs to claim.
Our visual features a recent beach outing. It is in magnificent moments like these that residents can envision a new future through a lens that offers hope; experience that sobriety has nothing to do with playing small.
It’s all about rising up; becoming all you already have the potential to be.